Showing posts with label eye problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eye problems. Show all posts

Eye drops for Dry eyes 

eye drops for dry eyes

Eye drops for Dry eyes are routinely used as an anti-inflammatory medicine to treat dry eyes. They are also used to treat ocular graft-versus-host-disease.Eye drops for Dry eye decreases corneal damage, increases basic tear production, and reduces Dry eyes symptoms .

 10 simple tips  for healthy eyes (Part 1) tips+for+healthy+eyes

1-Get a dilated eye exam :

  To make sure you  keep seeing  clearly, get a comprehensive  dilated  eye   exam  regularly  to  check  for  common eye problems Like :  decreased vision ;eye pain ;drainage  or redness of  the eye ; double vision ; or diabetes; or if you see flashes of light, floaters (tiny specks that appear to float before your eyes), If you haven't had an eye exam for some time, you should get one this month.