10 Dry Eye Symptoms To Recognize !

dry eye symptoms

Dry eye can make it more difficult to perform some activities, such as using a computer, reading for a period of time or any activity that requires sustained visual attention.Dry eye can decrease tolerance for dry environments, such as the air inside an airplane.

What are the symptoms of dry eye?

1-stinging or burning of the eye.

2-a sandy or gritty feeling as if something is in the eye.

3-episodes of excess tears following very dry eye periods.

4-a stringy discharge from the eye.

5-pain and redness of the eye.

6-episodes of blurred vision.

7-heavy eyelids.

8-inability to cry when emotionally stressed.

9-uncomfortable contact lenses.

10-eye fatigue.

If you have  dry eye symptoms and the dry eye persist, visit your eye doctor to get an accurate diagnosis of Dry eye and begin treatment to avoid permanent damage and keep a healthy eyes .