Dry eyes Treatment 

dry eyes treatment

In last post we talked about Dry eye symptoms ,now it’s time to Dry eyes Treatment .

For an efficient and better Dry eyes treatment ,your Priority is to determine if a disease is the underlying cause of the Dry eye,if so then underlying disease needs to be treated to avoid permanent damage,and keep a healthy eyes.

Dry eyes Treatment :

Cyclosporine, an anti-inflammatory medication, is the only prescription drug available to treat dry eye. It decreases corneal damage, increases basic tear production, and reduces symptoms of dry eye.anti-inflammatory medication may take a period (3-6 months) of twice-a-day dosages for the medication to work.

If your Dry eyes results from using another medication,it’s recommended to switch to a medication that does not cause the dry eye side effect.

If contact lens wear is the problem,then reducing the number of hours you wear your contact lenses or use another type of lens. In the case of severe dry eye, your eye doctor may advise you not to wear contact lenses at all.

Another situation is to plug the drainage holes, small circular openings called ‘punctal plugs’ or ‘Lacrimal plugs’ at the inner corners of the eyelids where tears drain from the eye into the nose.These plugs are made of silicone or collagen, are reversible, and are a temporary measure.

In some cases a simple surgery, called punctal cautery,is recommended to permanently close the drainage holes.

with Dry eyes you can decrease symptoms of irritation by using nutritional supplements such as tuna fish of omega-3 fatty acids, dosage of nutritional supplements and vitamins should be discussed with your medical doctor.

P.s : Make your vision a Priority !