Best Eye floaters treatment !
For better and deeper understanding of eye floaters treatment , you should read the previous post : floaters facts and common causes !
floaters and flashes may appear when vitreous gel separates from the retina (back of eye ) , however flashes and floaters may be a sign of retinal detachment .retinal detachment can lead to a partial or total loss of eye vision.
Fisrtly your eye doctor (ophthalmologist),will diagnose the cause of your floaters symptoms.during the examination of your eyes,the eye doctor wil ask you to look in different directions ,be patient and follow the instructions for a better examination of your eyes.he will push gently on your eye a special metal instrument called scleral depressor .
Eye floatersTreatment
There is nothing to do to make floaters disappear , no medications or eye drops.with time your brain will learn to ignore eye floters.therfore some floaters and flashes will remain in your eye vision ,many of floaters and flashes fade away or became less bothersome.
In case floaters and flashes appears directly in your eye vision line .you should move your eye around that’s will help.also look up or down or back and forth causes the fluid to swirl around and makes the floater or light flashe move out of your vision.
But when floaters and flashes reduce vision and do not move away with time .surgery(called vitrectomy) will be the effective solution to remove the vitreous gel(fluid ) and replace it with saline solution.
vitrectomy is very successful surgery in treating floaters and flashes ,it removes the majority of the fluid .surgery rarely needed because floaters and flashes usually become less bothersome over time,vitrectomy a surgery with it’s risks not worth taking for floaters only.Risks such as retinal detachment ,infection,bleeding, cataracts or blindness.
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