Eye floaters Facts and Common causes

a picture for eye floaters disease
       Floaters are visual perceptions for example Specks , webs or spots that can show up Like jelly or jam fluid inside the eyeball, known as the « vitreous gel », changes as a part of aging ,They move as your eyes move and seem to dart away when you try to look at them directly but The occasional fleeting floater that occurs as a spot or strand and disappears after a few seconds is not something to worry about.

      Most people have floaters and learn to ignore them, Floaters can come to be clear when taking a Look at something shining, for example white paper or a blue sky.

    As a result of this, floaters occur most often in adults older than 60, however individuals who are exceptionally  nearsighted encounter them at a younger age. There are likewise different sorts of floaters, as a rule viewed in the eyes of individuals who have certain medical conditions. Case in point, floaters in a person who has diabetes can indicate bleeding inside the eye,finally they are 6 common  causes of floaters .

        1-  Natural cause :

Floaters in most cases are part of the natural aging process and simply an annoyance , They can be distracting at first, however in the end , tend to "settle" at the lowest part of the eye, ending up being less bothersome. They normally settle below the line of sight and don't go afar totally.

2-eye infection .
3- inflammation (uveitis).
4- hemorrhaging.
5- retinal tears.
6- injury to the eye.

Therfore they are 4 type of people who are at Risk for Floaters :
  • People older then 60, floaters in this case are part of the natural aging .
  •   individuals who are exceptionally  nearsighted Nearsightedness, also known as «myopia »is a common type of refractive error where close objects appear clearly, but distant objects appear blurry.
  • diabetics :
a person who has diabetes must get a dilated eye examination
(painless procedure in which an eye care professional examines your eyes) at least once a year.also taking good care of yourself through diet, exercise, and special medications you can control diabetes.

  • People with Cataract operation :
A cataract is a blurry vision  of the lens(part of the eye that helps to focus light, or an image, on the retina) in the eye that affects vision. Most cataracts are related to aging, common in older people. By age 80 more than half in U.S have a cataract or have had cataract surgery.

       It can affect  children  between 8 and 12 years  and adults, sometimes nearsightedness may worsen with age during the coming years , people also can get the condition from there parents .