Showing posts with label Eye floaters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eye floaters. Show all posts

How to Prevent floaters and flashes 

how to prevent floaters

It’s possible to prevent vision loss ,but you cannot prevent floaters and flashes .prevent vision loss by recognizing the symptoms of retinal tear or retinal detachment . 


Best Eye floaters treatment  !


For better and deeper understanding of eye floaters treatment , you should read the previous post : floaters facts and common causes ! 

floaters and flashes may appear when vitreous gel separates from the retina (back of eye ) , however flashes and floaters may be a sign of retinal detachment .retinal detachment can lead to a partial or total loss of eye vision

Eye floaters Facts and Common causes

a picture for eye floaters disease
       Floaters are visual perceptions for example Specks , webs or spots that can show up Like jelly or jam fluid inside the eyeball, known as the « vitreous gel », changes as a part of aging ,They move as your eyes move and seem to dart away when you try to look at them directly but The occasional fleeting floater that occurs as a spot or strand and disappears after a few seconds is not something to worry about.