Best Eye floaters treatment  !


For better and deeper understanding of eye floaters treatment , you should read the previous post : floaters facts and common causes ! 

floaters and flashes may appear when vitreous gel separates from the retina (back of eye ) , however flashes and floaters may be a sign of retinal detachment .retinal detachment can lead to a partial or total loss of eye vision

Healthy Diet for Healthy Eyes 


healthy food is better  for the body ,it can also help improve your eye vision too .so to improve your eye vision the plan is a healthy diet ,some physical exercise (jogging,going to the Gym club ..) , sport can make your  thinking clean  and Purified it , also your eyes will work properly.

The Effective cataracts treatment !


The early caracats symptoms may be corrected with some cataracts treatment such as : new eyeglasses,anti-glare sunglasses ,or magnifying lenses. 

when vision loss interferes with your everyday activities, such as driving, reading, or watching TV,cataracts needs to be removed .the eye surgery is the only effective cataracts treatment to replace the cloudy lens with an artificial lens.

    3 eye test to detect cataracts !


If you have any symptoms of cataracts, you should get an ey exam with your doctor,more important eye cataracts symptoms can be a sign of other eye illnesses.