6 Macular degeneration symptoms you should know !

macular degeneration or AMD a common eye condition among older people over (50),macular degeneration is a cause of vision loss in older people It destroys the macula-It is the most sensitive part of the retina in back of the eye -the part of the eye that provides sharp, central vision needed for seeing objects clearly.(see AMD picture).
Macular degeneration has few symptoms in the early stages.

what are macular degeneration symptoms : 

1-blurred vision 
2-objects may not appear bright as used to be 
3-difficulties recognizing faces 
4-trouble in reading and doing others tasks (you need more light). 
5-‘Drusen’ , this macular degeneration symptom only your eye doctor cansee it when examines the retina with an eye exam, drusen are small deposits under your retina . 
6- straight lines may appear wavy,also people with AMD can develop a blind spot that affect the central vision of the eye

 Factors may have impact on macular degeneration : 

-Smoking : research shows thats smoking increase the risk of AMD.

-Family history:people with a family history of macular degeneration also are at risk to develop AMD

Finally if you have any one of macular degeneration symptoms listed here ,visit your eye doctor may be able to treat macular degeneration before vision loss occurs .